Teton County Archive

Archive of fulfilled needs for Teton County

We have completed 223 needs in Teton County since December 12, 2012.

Post Date
Fulfilled Date
Very resourceful parent who reached out for assistance for children before school starts. Need for school clothes, shoes, and school supplies. On a very low income and follows a strict budget, but car repair bills have put them behind. Thanks to a donation from St. Paul Lutheran Church Foundation, we were able to give them a gift card from Wal Mart for $150.00 and also provided emergency food assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry. These parents so grateful and breathing a sigh of relief to have this 'hand up'.

Update 7-24-2016 Elderly couple who have been dealing with multiple medical issues and car repair needs, and who have been in our community for years. Have fallen behind with their energy bill and received a disconnect notice. NHN was able to pay their energy bill of $365.00, and they are very grateful for the help from this community. We received a donation recently from a gentleman in Stevensville, and another donation from a caring woman from Fort Shaw for a total of $300 that we applied to this need. NHN received a $65.00 donation today in memory of Albert Carlson and in honor of a Bynum resident that completed this need. Sincere thanks to our donors.

Update 7-24-2016 Young couple with children, who are referred by a family member. Both parents with serious medical issues, and have been receiving assistance from family to help them stay 'ahead' with their medical, housing, and energy bills. Referred to Teton County Food Pantry, and SNAP application in process. Need immediate assistance with their July rent, and NHN was able to pay one month's rent of $750. NHN referred them to Opportunities Incorporated, and we hope they will be able assist them with their August rent. NHN had a wonderful donation from a gentleman from Fort Shaw of $250, and a donation of $450 in memory of Bill and Anita Jones which we applied for their need. Today, NHN received a donation in memory of Jacqueline and John Carlson that completed this need.

Young working woman in our community who has had several serious medical problems. She has multiple appointments in Great Falls, and NHN provided a $100 'gas only' gift card to make it possible for her to get to all her appointments. Thanks to a ranching family in our community who gave a donation to NHN that also allowed us to immediately meet her need. Our sincere thanks for this donation to NHN.

Update 8-08-2016 Elderly women in a rural area of our County living on low fixed income. She needs medical and dental care, and NHN was happy to help her by paying the 'co-pay' needed before care could be provided. Received a 'new statement' from The State of Montana for this lady, and re-wrote the check after talking with the welfare office. The original total we were told was $350, but that figure revised, and a new check issued for $254.00. Thanks to a donation from a local ranching family, her need was immediately completed. Such generosity and caring in our community, and our sincere thank you.

Gentleman living on low fixed income on top floor of an apartment building. Another resident of the building called to ask if we could find an air conditioner for him since his apartment is just 'too hot'. NHN was able to find the perfect used air-conditioner to fit in his window on the Choteau OnLine Yard Sale, and NHN paid $250 for the unit. We had a donation from a gentleman in Fort Shaw that covered $200 toward the cost, and received another donation for $50 in the mail todayto complete his need. Thanks to the lady who recognized his need, and for her advocacy to help her neighbor. Thank you to the very generous donors that met this need!

Update 6-21-2016Single working woman in transition and recent medical issues limiting work hours have put her behind with her rent. Arranged for food assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry, and she is applying for additional assistance from SNAP and LIEAP. Behind more than one month's rent, so also applied for help from Opportunities Incorporated, and she has a plan to 'catch up'. Neighbors Helping Neighbors confirmed with the landlord that she is a good renter, and she is also reaching out to help another family member. NHN paid one month's back rent of $500.00. We also received a gift card for $25.00 for 'fuel only' from the Trinity Lutheran Church that we have gifted to her. Thanks to a donation from a generous donor from Fort Shaw, we received $450 toward this project, and today, a very caring donor from Great Falls completed her need. Blessings to all.

Update 5-26-2016 Working couple with three children, and medical bills and their support for other family members has created a financial struggle. They were referred from the Teton County Food Pantry, and they are doing everything they can do to maintain their sustainability. They were behind with their NW energy bill and set up a payment plan, but needed to pay $160/month in addition to their monthly bill. NHN paid their back due bill of $480, and they will now be able to manage their needs and can pay their regular monthly bill. They have wonderful references, have frequently reached out to help other families in our community, and they feel very grateful for this help so they can again "make ends meet". We had a total of $360 towards this project including a donation in memory of Tiny Thomas. And, today, we received a donation from a gentleman in Great Falls that completed their need. NHN so very grateful for the support given to families needing a 'hand up'.

Update 5-26-2016 Elderly lady who was referred from the Teton County Food Pantry. Helping one of her children created a financial hardship for her this month. She has been helping others for years, and now unable to pay this month's rent and needing food assistance. NHN paid one month's rent of $250.00 and also provided her with a $100.00 'food only' gift card from a local grocery. She feels like a prayer has been answered, and NHN feels blessed to be able to help this kind lady. We had two donations totaling $100 and two 'paybacks' totaling $150 from families that we helped in the past. And today, we received a donation from a caring gentleman from Great Falls. Blessings to our donors who have helped this lady.

Update 5-24-2016 Elderly woman whose lawn mower was old and quit working. NHN was able to find a used lawn mower in good working condition from the Choteau On Line Yard Sale and Information site on 'facebook'. The total cost for this lawn mower with delivery and instructions was $85.00. This neighbor very grateful, and many thanks to the kind lady who sold us the mower and who was very helpful. Thanks to a 'payback' from a family that we previously assisted, this financial need has been completed.

Update 5-6-2016 Working family who have been in Teton County for years. Main wage earner without work only because of a major change in the business, and he received an outstanding reference from his previous employer. He has already found new work, and needed help with gas money. NHN gave him a 'gas only' gift card for $200 and paid a back due NW energy bill of $225.00. This family wants to 'payback' $200 to NHN as soon as they get back on their feet. They also received emergency food assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry, and have applied for SNAP. Today, NHN received donations from the St. Paul Lutheran and Grace Lutheran Church's in Fairfield that completed this financial need. Sincere thanks for support of our mission to assist low income residents with a 'hand up'.

Update 5-6-2016 Single parent with one child working low income job, and illness prevented her from working for several weeks, so she is unable to pay her energy bill. Arranged for food from Teton County Food Pantry, and she does have SNAP benefits and is applying for LIEAP. She has $100 to apply to her total of $380 owed to NW Energy. NHN paid $280, and we have two donations totaling $200; one from a Choteau resident and one from a caring Stevensville resident. Today we received a donation in memory of Jim Gordon which completed this financial need for NHN. Our sincere thanks.

Update 5-5-2016 Mother with two children at home has had limited work hours, and she requested help with her rent this month. Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid one month's rent of $650. And, NHN received donations from caring Choteau residents totaling $400, and a total of 4 'paybacks' totaling $125 toward this project. This project was completed today because of a donation from a Stevensville resident and also a donation in memory of Ronald Otness. Our sincere thank you.

Update 4-26-2016 Neighbor in Need - A Hard working family has contacted Neighbors Helping Neighbors for assistance. They had unexpected car repairs and now are in need of help paying their Energy bill which is $148. NHN paid this amount to the energy company. This project was completed today thanks to a donation in memory of Ronald Otness. Many thanks for the kindnesses you shared with our community Ronald.

UPdate 4-14-2016 The Teton County Health Department is holding a Bike Safety Fair in mid-May. All the schools reported today that there are now bikes for every child for their Bike Safety Fair. Many thanks to the donors who provided Used bikes for this project.

Made aware of need from Teton County Food Pantry. Single parent of child living on low income, and has applied for resources that will help with food and energy assistance. However, in need of firewood, and recent medical expenses have prevented them from being able to buy wood. Many thanks to a donor who was willing and able to supply this family with a truckload of firewood, and they are grateful to have this gift which will keep them warm and their energy bill lower. This family just so grateful to the donor who cut, delivered, and stacked the firewood for them.

Referral from the Teton County Food Pantry about a family needing a full size refrigerator, because their current fridg was 'dorm' sized. NHN had just received an offer from a Choteau resident who had a full size GE frig that he wanted to donate to a low income family. NHN connected the donor with the family, and the family was able to arrange to pick up the fridg, and they are very happy to have this appliance and it is working great. Many thanks to this donor who really made a difference for a family in Teton County.

Working family with three children and good references, but past medical bills, and one parent being without work has resulted in them falling far behind on bills. This family was reluctant to ask for help, and now they are in serious debt. NHN agree to pay a past due water bill of $435.00 and a past due energy bill of $486.00 Referrals also to USDA Rural Development, NW Energy audit, LIEAP, Family Connections, and SNAP. Food disbursement arranged from the Teton County Food Pantry. Because of donations in memory of Jim Gordon and Jacquie Carlson and The Soka PIIWA Foundation, their financial need has been completed.

Working couple with multiple medical expenses and referred to NHN by the Teton County Food Pantry. Behind on this month's rent and also their energy bill. They have excellent references from their landlord and have been in this house for four years. NHN able to pay $300 to Northwestern Energy, so now they will apply for budget billing. An additional payment of $340 to catch them up with their rent. They will be sustainable and are doing their best to meet past multiple medical expenses, and will follow up with referrals for additional assistance. Our thanks for donations from a former Choteau resident, a current resident who received past help for her family, and in loving memory of Jim Gordon. Their total financial need has been completed.

Working family with four children and with wonderful references. They are managing with dignity and determination and giving back in many ways to our community. On SNAP and LIEAP application pending, but they had a disconnect notice for their energy bill and were waiting a 'tax refund' to catch up. NHN offered to assist late last year, and they were 'worried that someone else might need it more". NHN grateful to help this family with their past due and current energy bill of $700.00. Donations from a Stevensville Resident and in memory of Jim Gordon have completed their financial need. This family very grateful and appreciative that someone wants to give them a 'hand up'.

Referral for a working family with children from a concerned resident in a rural area of our county. Multiple challenges for this family, and wonderful references from their landlord who says they are struggling, but going in the right direction. NHN agreed to pay rent and also a current utility bill for the family totaling $810.00. Everyone involved with this family agree that this is a family who are doing everything they can to improve their situation, and NHN feels grateful that we can give them hope for their future. Thanks to a donation from a Stevensville and Power resident and a donation from the St. Paul Lutheran Foundation and St. Paul Lutheran Women, NHN was able to immediately meet their financial need.

Choteau Schools made NHN aware of a working family in need of Food Assistance. Emergency Food disbursement from the Teton County Food Pantry, and because there are several children involved, NHN also gave the family a gift card for $200 from Rex's Market (no alchol/no tobacco) so they can choose their own food and stock their cupboard. Many thanks for donations from St. Paul Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Advent Recitals that immediately met this financial need.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors and Teton County Food Pantry have been closely collaborating and referring families back and forth for both organizations. It came to the attention of NHN that the Food Pantry has a refrigerator that is no longer in good working condition. Thanks to a donation from the SOKA PIIWA FOUNDATION, NHN coordinated with Stan Rathman, President of the Food Pantry, to purchase a new refrigerator/freezer. Our thanks to Tony at Eklund's Appliance and TV for giving us a discounted price of $749 with delivery and removal of the old frig. NHN feels grateful to have the resource of the Food Pantry serving families in Teton County.

College sophomore from rural family in Teton County, and is doing an awesome job with excellent grades. NHN made a commitment with the Freshman year to support this student with academic needs. We were able to provide $515.00 this year for books, registration, and classroom supplies. Thanks to the Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Paul Lutheran Church, this financial need was completed. Many thanks to the generous support from donors. This student will be the first college graduate in the family and will definitely be someone who will give back to others.

Working single mom with two children, and medical and car issues have left her struggling this month. Received food assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry, and NHN gave her gift cards of $100 for Rex's for additional food needs and a $100 'gas only' gift card from Main St Express. NHN also paid a $40 co-pay for a doctor's appointment. She is very grateful that NHN could help her through this difficult time, and she will be back on track after her next paycheck. NHN completed her financial need with donations from the Trinity Lutheran Church Advent Recitals. Our sincere thank you to our donors.

Physically disabled woman living alone, and sleeping in a recliner that is in very poor condition, and is no longer functional or safe. NHN posted the need on The Choteau On-Line Yard sale, and we received information and an offer from the American Legion Auxiliary for an electric recliner that had been donated to their organization. NHN put together a 'chair team' that picked up and delivered the chair and took her old chair to the landfill, and the volunteer graciously paid the $4.00 landfill fee. Our sincere thank you to the American Legion Auxiliary for donating this chair to NHN, and we tracked down the original donor to thank him. This new chair a wonderful help for this lady's living situation.

Update 12-19-2015 Single lady with three children in a transitional situation and in need of immediate help with this month's rent. She has $200 to apply toward her rent of $650.00. NHN paid $450 to complete her rent for this month, and she believes she will be able to meet her monthly expenses from this point forward. NHN received four donations totaling $400 in the past two weeks from Choteau residents, and today we received a donation in memory of Harold Baker that completed her financial need. Many thanks to all our donors.

Woman with three children, and NHN alerted by another agency that she was in need of food and diapers for all her children. A volunteer from The Teton County Food Pantry delivered food and also purchased diapers and wipes for this family before referring them to NHN. This lady is on WIC, and is referred to Opportunties Incorporated for rental assistance and LIEAP for energy assistance. She is getting ready to start a job, and needs temporary assistance for her children. She and her children are on the Caring Tree, and NHN provided a $150.00 gift card to allow her to purchase diapers, wipes, and to be able to buy additional food for her family. We received donations this week from three Choteau resident, and they have completed our financial need for this lady. Her priority is her children, and she is very appreciative and thankful for this assistance. Thanks to the volunteer who saw her need and referred her to NHN.

Update 12-09-2015 The Caring Tree had a request for a twin mattress for a single mom with one child, and Neighbors Helping Neighbors agreed to follow up on this more 'major' need from our Caring Tree. She only needed a mattress, and Conlin's Furniture has given Neighbors Helping Neighbors a discounted price of $180, which includes delivery, and they will deliver the mattress next week. The mother is very appreciative of this "Christmas' gift for her daughter. Conlin's will also remove the old mattress, and we thank them for their help. NHN had a donation of $30.00 toward this need, and a donation of $25.00 from a caring Choteau woman. Today, we received a beautiful note of appreciation and a donation in honor of The Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor, and an additional donation from a Stevensville Resident that completed this financial need. Blessings to you all.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors is collaborating with the "Rudolph Run Caring Tree" in Fairfield. They have 12 families on their caring tree, and thanks to a generous donation from two Fairfield residents, the coordinator of their tree will purchase gift certificates from Eagle IGA for 10 families. Small families x 10 will receive $50.00 certificates. Two larger families will receive $100.00 certificates. (No Alcohol/No Tobacco) Many thanks to our donors who have given these 12 families in Fairfield a chance to have extra food that they can choose over this Holiday. Our sincere thank you to the donors from Fairfield who are helping NHN with our mission to help low income families. Our financial need has been completed.

The Caring Tree is a Christmas Project that is under the umbrella of Neighbors Helping Neighbors, and names of families with low incomes are submitted to receive 'extra' help with gifts. This year there were four families requesting 'gas only' cards and 16 families requesting gift cards for 'food only'(No Alcohol/No Tobacco). Neighbors Helping Neighbors was able to meet these needs totaling $1,350.00 because of a memorial made in honor of Bill and Anita Jones. We also included contact information for the Teton County Food Pantry with their 'gift cards'. So happy to give folks the chance to 'shop' for what they want and to have a little extra transportation money. Merry Christmas, and many thanks from NHN for your support.

UPdate 11-27-2015 Family with three children, and one parent currently unemployed. They are living on a low income, and this referral came from another agency. Talked with parents and they want to make sure, "We are not taking from someone else who needs it more". Added to the Teton County Food Pantry 'Christmas' project, and a gift card for $130 sent to them for purchase of food, household items, and warm clothes for their children. We have a donation of $30 toward this need from a caring Choteau couple, and a very generous and caring donor from Great Falls completed this need on Friday evening. Many thanks to this donor who has helped dozens of families in Teton County. Blessings to you.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors is happy to announce that because of a generous donation in honor of Bill and Anita Jones, we have been able to support the Power American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship Fund. These scholarships are awarded to Power High School students to continue their education, and the awards are based on financial need and community service activities. NHN was able to support this fund with a donation of $500, and the money will be divided for a male and female student. NHN remembers Bill and Anita and the support they provided to so many students from the Yellowstone Boy's Ranch. Happy that we can offer this support this year to the community of Power.

Update: 11-24-2015 Young woman in our community who has been out of work after undergoing medical procedures, and who is doing everything she can to manage medical bills and insurance costs. Referred to Insurance Specialist to help, because current insurance plan is being cancelled. Referred to Teton County Food Pantry, and she is blessed to be receiving as much help as possible from her family. NHN gave her a $100 gift card to help with expenses for food and household items and also a $100 gift card from Main St. Express for 'gas only' for her transportation needs. This is another family that has been in our community for years. We have a donation of $100 that has been applied to her need, and there were two $50.00 donations in our PO Box today from two families in Teton County. So her project was completed the same day we posted it. Many, many thanks, and we are so grateful for your support and for giving families 'hope' in Teton County.

Update 11-23-2015 Older lady who continues to work to supplement a low income, and she is in financial difficulty after family problems, medical issues, and car problems created many extra bills. NHN met with her and have negotiated with her landlord, since she is many months 'past due' on her rent. NHN paid $550 for two months rent; she has an appointment with Opportunities Incorporated; and hoping for some additional assistance from this organization. NHN also has paid $160 to the City of Choteau for her water bill. This lady such a hard worker, and she has provided many in our community with caring. Believe she will be able to get caught up. Our total financial need for this project is $710, and we had a donation of $400 in honor of Bill and Anita Jones, and a 'payback' of $10 from someone that we previously helped. Thank you to a couple who live in Choteau part of the year. They have completed two projects for us today, and their donation of $300 for this lady has touched us deeply. This lady very grateful to you.

Update 11-23-2015: Single mother with two children who has been through many challenges in the past year. She is undergoing medical treatment, has been off her job for two months, and is quickly spending down her savings. Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid one month's rent of $500, and also purchased a 'gas only' card of $100 to help with transportation. This lady has always been someone who 'gives to others', and she is so relieved with this emergency assistance that she says, "will get me through"... NHN had a donation of $250, and we received two more donations totaling $220 to apply to her need. Thanks so much to a 'seasonal' resident of Choteau who completed her need today. Gratefulness from this lady and NHN.

Update 11-12-2015 Married lady with several children who had not been to the dentist in years, and knew she had serious dental problems. Neighbors Helping Neighbors agreed to pay for an initial visit with x-rays to determine the extent of her issues. Dentist would like to extract the two worse teeth in a second visit, and he gave us a discounted price of $422.00 to cover both visits. More extensive dental care needed, and NHN referred her to the Montana Expanded Medicaid program. This lady is doing her best and she is very kind and helpful to others in our community. NHN grateful that we could help her with the initial workup and extractions. We received several donations in memory of Jay Dunckel and a donation from a Women's Church group in Dutton that has met $400 toward this project, and our generous donor from Great Falls just completed her project with a donation of $22.00. Our sincere thanks to everyone who is helping our neighbors in need. We feel blessed.

Update 11-12-2015 Another helping agency in Choteau contacted us about two women, one single with her own new apartment, and the other lady with one child. They are assisting these women with purchases and budgeting for food, hygiene, and household needs. Both women with very low incomes and Neighbors Helping Neighbors provided each with a gift card from Wal Mart for $50. Both families also received food from the Teton County Food Pantry. Counselor providing transportation, helping them with purchases, and will return receipts to NHN. Received a donation of $100 today from a couple in Fairfield that completed this need. Sincere thanks to this couple who have made several donations over the years to NHN.

Single,76 year old lady who has depleted all her resources because of major medical bills. She asked for help with Food assistance, and that need was met by Teton County Food Pantry. Volunteer discovered that her power has been 'shut off'. NHN working to get her power back on, and the total cost to restore gas and electrical service is $1,015.00. A very compassionate and caring woman donated $1,000 today to meet this need. NHN provided a $100 'gas only' gift card and also a $100 gift card from Rex's to allow her to purchase needed food and household items. This lady very proud of her independence, and she has reached out to help others in the community. NHN hoping to help her get 'back on track' with a return to financial independence. We have a donation from a caring Choteau lady that completed our immediate financial need of $200. Thank you to the two donors who completely helped us meet this major financial need for this lady. NHN very grateful for your support, and this lady with sincere thanks.

Update 10-24-2015: Low Income family in need of a Refrigerator. NHN received a discounted price of $565, including delivery and removal of their old appliance. This Family will be able to make a "payback" of $120 to NHN. NHN received a memorial donation of $50 along with a "payback" of $25 from someone we previously helped. A generous donor from Stevensville gave us $270 toward this project, and today NHN received a donation from a Fairfield couple of $30, and another Fairfield couple completed this project for NHN. Blessings to you all for helping another Teton County family.

Update 10-15-2015: Disabled, low income woman was referred to NHN from another agency for assistance with items to set up her apartment. She was able to get some items from friends and family, but she is in need of many basic household and pantry items, NHN provided a gift card for $200 to help with these expenses. NHN received a donation of $100 in memory of Jay Dunckel that was applied to her need, and we received an additional donation of $25 from a caring Choteau resident. Today, our generous donor from Great Falls completed her need. Thank you for your help for this woman who needed a "hand up".

We had two families in Teton County, both with children, who were in need of firewood for this winter. They received two truck loads of firewood that was cut and ready to burn from an anonymous donor. Thanks for this wonderful donation, and both families feeling so blessed to have this wonderful donation that will keep them warm this winter. Many thanks.

Low Income retired couple living on fixed income in need of a refrigerator. NHN worked with a local Great Falls merchant who delivered a new frig and removed the old one for a discounted cost of $564. This couple has agreed to make a "payback" of $250 towards the cost of the appliance. That left NHN a balance of $314 for this need. We received a very generous donation of $230 from a local couple, and a caring gentleman from Great Falls completed this need with a donation of $84.00. This couple and NHN thanks you for all your help!

This elderly gentleman was referred by the Teton County Food Pantry. He is sleeping on several very old mattresses on the floor, and having a hard time getting up and down. Thanks to Conlin's Furniture who gave Neighbors Helping Neighbors a discounted price on a full size frame, box springs, mattress and will deliver to Choteau for $370.00 This gentleman is living on a low income, but he wants to do a payback of $50 to NHN. We have a donation of $200 toward this need. Neighbors Helping Neighbors is asking for a donation to total $120 to complete the cost of this bed. A very generous donor has send a donation to meet this need! Many thanks for your help!

Low income couple with two young children living in a rural part of our county. They are in need of money for gas to get to work in Choteau and they are also in need of diapers for their children. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has agreed to give them a $100 gas card and a $50 gift card to a local store for diapers. Thank you to the local donors who completed this need. NHN also referred this family for additional assistance from OPA, Op Inc., SNAP, LIEAP, WIC, and the Teton County Food Pantry

Single elderly disabled woman living on a very low income and needing help because she is 'overloaded' with medical bills and need for some expensive car repairs. Talked with her landlord, and she is a long time excellent renter, and just unable to make 'ends meet' right now. She is very budget minded, and has been living on very little. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has agreed to pay two months rent for her, and her response, "That would be wonderful.....I can make it". We received a recent donation in memory of Bill and Anita Jones that has covered our financial need of $800. Thank you for this generous donation to help residents of Teton County.

Rural working family of four in Teton County, and referred from the Teton County Food Pantry. "Getting back on their feet", and they are also using SNAP and WIC. Managing just to keep up with bills working a low income job, and another family member will soon have a job. Neighbors Helping Neighbors gave them a $100 gift card from Wal Mart to allow them to purchase needed items for infant child. We were immediately able to meet this need because of donations from area Churches and local Teton County residents. Our thanks, and many thanks from this family.

Elderly gentleman in rural area of our county who is living on a very low income. Thanks to friends and neighbors who have been 'helping him along' with general expenses. He is receiving assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry, Senior Commodities, and limited SNAP benefits. Friends have asked Neighbors Helping Neighbor to help him, because, "he would never ask for a thing". NHN has sent him a gift card for $200 to Wal Mart, and his friends say he is very happy that someone, "cares enough" to give him a little help...Thanks to several donations from our Teton County Churches and residents, NHN was able to immediately meet his need.

Couple with one daughter and looking for work locally. Landlord confirms that they are 'trying' and she gives good references. Behind with rent since June, and referral to Op Inc and assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry. NHN agreed to pay part of their back rent of $527, and they plan to soon be employed and get their life back on track. Thanks to recent donations from local churches and local residents, we were able to complete this financial need immediately. Keep this couple in your thoughts and prayers as they are struggling.

Single woman working two low income jobs, and the bed she is sleeping in is very old, has no support, and is causing serious back pain for her. A neighbor referred her for assistance, and NHN worked with My Neighbor In Need's Great Falls office and Conlin's Furniture to find a bed and have it delivered to Choteau for her. Thanks to Conlin's for a discounted price on a regular full size box springs and mattress, and frame with delivery for $369.00 Thanks to a donor from Great Falls and a kind donation from a gentleman in Choteau, NHN had the donations to complete this need.

Long time resident of Teton County needing tires for their car to allow them safe transportation to Great Falls to complete their college degree. They have received scholarships, manage a very 'tight' budget for themselves and their children, and are committed to helping others. NHN arranged to buy four new tires for their car costing $716, and NHN received a beautiful thank you from this family. Thanks to Breen's for helping us get this right, and blessings to our donors and our sincere thank you for helping another family in Teton County.

Working single lady who has helped get other families to the Teton County Food Pantry, and in serious need of new tires for her vehicle. NHN has purchased two new tires for her after one of her 'used' tires lost it's tread. The total cost was $258, and thanks to recent donations from local Churches and residents, NHN was able to meet this financial need. This lady in tears with gratitude for this 'hand up'. Many thanks to our donors.

Lady who has been living with a close relative here in Choteau, and now must leave to care for her mother in another state. Another agency has been assisting her with plans, and almost all of her low income was needed to purchase transportation to her mother's. NHN was able to pay $190 that she owed for her August rent. Her landlady says she has been a wonderful renter and a big help to the relative she has been staying with. Thanks to several donations from local Churches and residents of Teton County, we were able to immediately verify and complete this need.

Single woman working a low income job, and multiple medical expenses have created financial difficulties in this young woman's life. Neighbors Helping Neighbors provided a gift card of $100 for 'gas only' from Main St. Express in Choteau. She is very grateful to be able to get to needed medical appointments in Great Falls. Thanks to recent donations we were immediately able to complete this financial need. We feel blessed by your support for those families living at lower incomes here in Teton County.

Hard working couple with two children, and recent medical expenses have just overwhelmed them financially. They are on 'budget billing' with Northwestern energy, and missing one payment eliminates this great program for families. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has paid two months budget billing for July and August: $454.00 to allow them to get 'caught up'. The lady has an extra job that is very low paying, but allows her to assist others living on low incomes, and we are happy we can provide this one time 'hand up'. We have several donations to NHN from local residents and Churches that have allowed us to immediately meet this need. Blessings to our donors.

Single working woman who has given so much care to folks through her job. She was reluctant to ask for help, and a neighbor alerted us to the fact that she needed some major car repairs. After talking with her, we agreed to pay $975 for three months rent. Her car repair will cost over $1,400, and she has arranged payments to complete her cost. We are so grateful for a donation from a Choteau lady, a gentleman from Stevensville and a donor who made a memorial donation, allowing NHN to complete this financial need. This lady's landlord gave her the highest references, and he has great respect for her. Our sincere thank you to this community for helping your neighbors who need a 'hand up'. This lady is very grateful for your help, and she is someone in our community who is always paying kindness forward to others.

Working single woman with one child who is behind with her energy bill. An illness prevented her from paying her entire bill, and NHN agreed to pay this bill of $231.33 to Northwestern Energy. She is receiving food from the Teton County Food Pantry monthly to help her maintain a sustainable living. Thanks to donations from a Local Church and a Choteau woman, we were able to immediately meet this financial need. Many, many thanks to our generous donors.

Hardworking woman that has recently moved here and is requesting help with fuel to get to her jobs. She received a paycheck and after paying her bills had no funds left to pay for fuel to get to work until her next paycheck in two weeks. She is using about $60 of fuel per week and prices are rising. She also received food assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry. Thanks to a recent donation, NHN was immediately able to help her with a 'gas only' card for $150.

Young low income family with 3 children in need of family swimming pass to local pool. Thanks to several recent donations from our community, NHN was immediately able to purchase a family swim pass for $125. Many thanks to our donors.

This kind single mother of one is working a full time job, but was unable to work for over a month because of medical issues and she is struggling financially. Referred to Teton County Food Pantry, SNAP, LIEAP, and Opportunities for All Scholarships. And call to Northwestern Energy to prevent 'cut off' of power. NHN paid $600 toward her past due energy bill, and she will make a payback of $50 to NHN over the next year. We had a donation from St. Paul Lutheran Church and a very generous donation from a Choteau lady that has completely met her financial need. This lady is very grateful for your support, and she is someone who will 'pay it forward' when she is in better financial shape. Many thanks to our donors.

Elderly retired couple living on fixed income, and they have received assistance with a small home repair previously from NHN. Asking for assistance with their bathroom toilet, which is cracked and they also could use a 'high rise' because of medical issues. Local plumber contacted, and his total cost with a discount for supplies and his labor was $300. This couple very appreciative of this plumber's kindness and his skills. NHN has a donation of $150 toward their total cost. And, they are making a 'payback' of $50 to NHN over the next year. St. Paul Lutheran Church completed this project with a donation to NHN today. Our sincere thanks to all our donors.

Update 6-4-2015: Young couple with two children who are both working, and recently have seen their hours increased, so just starting to make ends meet. A friend from their community referred them to NHN when she realized they had a serious car repair bill that would cost the same as their rent for one month. NHN talked with their landlord, and we have agreed to pay one month's rent, and they will pay for the car repair. Their rent is $600, and NHN has two donations from a Stevensville resident and a Choteau lady that total $300 toward this need. We received an online donation of $50 for this couple today. Many thanks to the St. Paul Lutheran Church who completed the financial need for this project today. Our sincere thanks to all our donors.

Update 6-4-2015 Single elderly widowed lady who has a past due energy bill, and is unable to pay it because of vehicle repair bills. This very kind lady is living on a low income, has some chronic medical problems, and still is known in the community as someone who would help you in any way she could. Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid her past due and current Northwestern Energy bill of $300. She was also referred to Food Assistance and Energy Assistance, and this will help her in the future. NHN had a donation of $150 that we applied to her financial need. Today, a donation from St. Paul Lutheran Church completed the financial need for this lady. Many thanks to our donors

Young working couple with three children referred from the WIC program, and struggling financially to provide basics for their newborn. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has provided financial assistance of $135 toward a portable crib, formula, and diapers for their newest addition. NHN received a donation to cover this cost from a generous donor from Fort Shaw. Many thanks from this couple, and they feel like they will be able to help another family sometime in the future.

Young mother with two children, and recently separated from husband. She is working two jobs, and struggling financially. Her main needs are gas for her car and meeting the basic daily needs of her children. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has given her a gift card for $200 to help get her through this tough time. She is a responsible, hard working lady, and her children are her number one priority. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has a donation of $100 from a generous couple from Fort Shaw. And a lady from Choteau completed this need with a donation designated to help a woman in transition with children. Our thanks for helping this young woman.

Update 6-01-2015-2015 Single elderly woman living on low fixed income, and her refrigerator 'quit'. We have been unable to find a good used fridge in the size needed, and she located a 15ft3 refrigerator for a discounted price at Home Depot. NHN total cost including delivery to Choteau was $465. Thanks to the Fairfield Lutheran Parish, we are able to help this lady with no payback needed. She is very thanksful for this assistance. NHN also had a recent donation of $100 that we applied to this need, and another donation from a Choteau lady of $25.00. The gentleman from Great Falls who has been so supportive of our mission has completed her financial need tonight with his donation of $75. This very kind lady has worked hard her entire life, and she is so grateful for her family and our donors that has allowed NHN to replace her appliance.

Update 5-12-2015 Young woman with one child who has been out of work because of an injury. She is receiving medical care both for the injury and for a chronic medical problem. She has been unable to pay her bills, and she has good references; but just no idea how to reach out for help. NHN referred her to several resources and food received from our Teton County Food Pantry. NHN helped with a back due car payment and a 'gas only' card totaling $800. We used a donation from a donor from Stevensville that totaled $650, a donation today from Fairfield of $100, and an additional donation of $50 from a Dutton woman completed this need today. This young lady has been given hope, she received a release from her doctor and has returned to work, and she is so grateful for the help from our community. Our Sincere thank you.

Single working family with three children, and requesting help to buy diapers and wipes for their children. This referral came from another organization, so NHN purchased bulk diapers and wipes as a one time 'hand up'. This family also received extra food assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry. A Big thank you to the donor from Great Falls who completed this financial need this evening.

Single elderly woman living on fixed income and in need of plumbing to fix serious bathroom and kitchen water leaks. Plumber has visited to evaluate situation, and he repaired both kitchen and bathroom plumbing problems for $350. He has given us a discount on his labor charges for this repair, and we thank him. Thanks to the Fairfield Lutheran Parish for Lenten donations, we were able to cancel the 'payback' of $100 for this lady, and she is most grateful. A very kind friend and donor from Great Falls has completed our financial need for this project. Our sincere thank you.

Young working couple with one child and a new baby on the way. They were referred from the WIC program, and food assistance from the Food Pantry provided. Asking for help with baby needs; Diapers, wipes, bottles, bottle rack, and baby swing, baby clothes among priorities. Because of health issues, these need to be 'new' items. NHN paid a total of $260 to purchase these items. And, NHN has donations from a caring Choteau lady, a generous Stevensville resident, and a donation from a Shelby resident in memory of Sally Abentroth that has covered our total cost for these needs. Many, Many thanks from NHN.

Update 4-3-2015 Disabled gentleman living on very low income, $750/mo, and he has always managed to pay his bills on a regular basis. Has SNAP and LIEAP, but LIEAP has been for propane, and he is now behind on his Sun River Electric bill. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has paid his past due bill and also paid to give him some 'credit' for his account. We also are referring him for assistance from the Teton County Food Pantry. We paid $500 to Sun River Electric, and we have three donations totaling $350 toward his need. His need was generously completed today by a Fort Shaw couple. Thanks so much for helping this kind gentleman.

Update 3-30-2015 Single working mother of two children is in need of help with her energy bill that is $800. She will use her tax refund to pay $400, and Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid the remaining $400. We received a donation of $100 in memory of a Choteau lady who showed kindness to many people in our community. We also had a donation of $25 from a lady in Choteau and a $50 donation from a friend in Augusta. Our sincere thanks for a donation today of $100 from a donor in Stevensville MT, and tonight, our most generous supporter from Great Falls completed her project with a donation of $125. We can't thank our donors enough for the support you have shared to help so many families in Teton County.

Grandmother living on very low income, and she is babysitting a grandchild nights when her daughter is working. We received a wonderful donation from a lady in Pendroy of two complete twin beds with sheets for this lady. And, she has a relative who will also receive one of the beds that has been donated to Neighbors Helping Neighbors. This was one of those 'miracles' where everything has come together so well, and the donor is contacting the recipient and has also offered to deliver the beds to her. Many thanks for your generosity and kindness.

Update 3-3-2015 Elderly disabled lady with serious medical issues, and NHN alerted to situation because of threat of eviction from her apartment. Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid $375 for March rent to avoid eviction and to allow time for other arrangements to be made for this lady. We have a donation of $200 from a Choteau Church, and donations totaling $100 from current and former Choteau residents. Today a generous donor from Great Falls completed this project with a donation of $50.00. Many thanks to our donors and also to the 'friend' who alerted us to her situation and for her caring.

Update 2-26-2015 Family with three children, three adults and one senior; working, and have great references, but with extra expenses from moving to secure better jobs. Right now, they had to choose propane over their rent. Needing help with one month's rent of $600 and an energy bill of $225.00. They have reached out to secure all resources that can help them including SNAP, LIEAP and the Teton County Food Pantry. Neighbors Helping Neighbors agree to pay one month's rent and their past due energy bill. NHN has received $750 in donation to help this family. Today, thanks to our "Choteau Acantha" articles, a former Choteau resident completed this need. Many thanks from this family.

Update 2-25-2015 Single woman with two children and actively looking for job. Unfortunately, ex-husband has not been helping with any support, and she is managing pre-school, rent and utilities on very limited income. Had help with rent from Opportunities Incorporated and has SNAP, but received first 'disconnect' notice from utility company. She believes she will be sustainable with court ordered child support and should have a job soon. Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid $425 for past due utility bill. NHN received a donation of $200 from a Stevensville resident, two donations of $50 each from local residents, and today we received a donation of $25.00. Our special thanks to a donor from Great Falls who has contributed to so many of our projects and who has completed the financial need of $100 for her project. What a blessing this gentleman is to our NHN organization.

Update 2-19-2015 We have been looking for a table and chairs for an elderly lady who recently moved to her own apartment. Received a call from a couple in Fairfield, and they delivered a beautiful table and chairs for her today. The lady who received them was absolutely thrilled to have this table and chairs. It was, "beyond what I imagined having".......so grateful. Many thanks from Neighbors Helping Neighbors to the couple from Fairfield who donated this wonderful gift.

Young working couple who's refrigerator has quit working. Neighbors Helping Neighbors was offered a refrigerator in good working condition, and thanks to the Choteau On-Line Yard Sale, we connected this family with a generous lady who donated this appliance to NHN. A letter of value for $150 was sent to the donor, and this couple very appreciative of having a clean, working refrigerator. Many Thanks to our donors.

Update 1-31-2015Hard working woman in low income job who has been living in a motel and had applied for rental and deposit assistance. Neighbors Helping Neighbors worked with the 'resource office', the landlord, and the motel. The landlord agreed to accept the first month's rent of $400 from NHN. NHN will also pay one more night in the motel for $60.00 The resource office gave permission for her to move into the rental with the assurance that NHN would pay the first month's rent. We have the donation of $400 for her rent, and we are asking for a donation of $60 to pay for one night in a motel. Thanks to the resource office who are following their guidelines and are faced with many folks in need of assistance. Thanks to our compassionate donor from Great Falls who completed our need. You have made such a difference for folks who are working hard but making ends meet on very low incomes.

Elderly lady with medical issues and providing child care for her grandchildren. She has fallen behind with expenses, and her landlord confirms that she has been a reliable and good renter. Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid her rent for one month, $600. This will allow her to pay utility bills and insurance bills and get 'caught up'. We had a donation from a gentleman from Stevensville and from the Pendroy Methodist Church that completely covered this financial need for Neighbors Helping Neighbors. This lady very grateful for this one time assistance in her life.

UPdate 1-21-2015 Single man working construction and has been laid off from work and receiving very low unemployment, $400/mo. He has been trying to help others in need, and this was verified. Now, he is behind on his rent. Talked with his landlord, who gives him the highest references and the landlord agreed to take care of his back rent of $200. Neighbors Helping Neighbors referred him to the Teton County Food Pantry for food, and NHN has paid his Feb rent of $450. We have a donation of $400 for this financial need, and a donation today from Pendroy Methodist Church completed his need. Thanks to this landlord who has a heart of compassion for this renter.

This college student came home with a 3.42 grade average after the first semester, and NHN has been in touch to offer additional support for the Spring Semester. NHN was able to meet with the student and apply $1,000 to needs for textbooks, completing the registration fee, other school supplies and purchase of a computer program that will be of great benefit throughout college. We had donations from St. Paul Lutheran Church Foundation, Rex's Market and four generous donors from Choteau that allowed us to provide this wonderful financial support. This student will succeed with just some extra financial assistance, and we are so grateful for your support.

Young single woman working multiple jobs, and with many current medical issues. Neighbors Helping Neighbors has paid one month's rent of $335.00, making sure she does not fall into 'medical poverty'. We had year end donations from St. Paul Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Church that we are using to complete this financial need. We feel blessed, and this young woman is very grateful.

Working woman with multiple medical issues that have caused her to miss some work, and she asked NHN for financial assistance for dental work. She was able to pay $275.00 to the dentist, and Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid $345 which allows her dental work to be completed. She has arranged with the dentist to complete the balance of her bill on a monthly basis. Thanks to the dentist for allowing her to pay off her remaining bill as she is able. And, thanks to St. Paul Lutheran Church for their donation to NHN which completed her financial assistance.

Update 1-09-2014 Neighbor in Need - Elderly lady living on a fixed income, and currently without a working stove. She has had recent expenses to replace a water heater, and is asking for help to find a working electric stove/oven in good condition. Thanks to a Choteau resident who donated a stove in excellent conditio. And, thanks to the volunteers who braved the weather to pick up and deliver the stove to this kind lady, and she is so grateful for this help.

Young working couple, and a combination of extra expenses related to their families and medical issues have created a financial difficulty for them to pay this months rent. Landlord says they have been keeping up, and they are good renters. Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid their January rent of $375.00, and we have asked them to 'pay forward' a kindness to another when they are financially able. A donation from a Choteau couple and from The St. Paul Lutheran Women have completed this financial need. This couple very grateful for this 'hand up'.

Second disconnect notice received by this working family with two children. Wife had to quit job because of serious health issues just when they were 'getting ahead'. She was able to pay $500 toward past due energy bill, and Neighbors Helping Neighbors paid $350 to complete the funds needed for this past due bill. A donation from St. Paul Lutheran Church was used to fulfill this need. This family so relieved to have this assistance as they struggle with new health needs. Blessings to our donors

Elderly lady on a fixed income who is behind with her water bill, and was referred by a 'friend'. Neighbors Helping Neighbors also used a donation from the Trinity Lutheran Advent Recitals to pay her past due water bill of $129.88. A blessing to this lady.

Elderly couple that have always worked hard and given back to others. They have had serious medical issues that have eroded their finances. Thanks to a donation from the Advent Recitals at Trinity Lutheran Church, NHN paid their past due water bill of $250.00. We were also able to assist them with extra food from the Teton County Food Pantry and to give them a gift card that will allow them to purchase food and household items needed. They are very grateful for this help, and Neighbors Helping Neighbors is grateful for the support from Teton County residents that continue to bless many families.

Disabled women with a very low income who recently moved to our area seeking a safe place to live. She currently is sleeping on her couch, and has requested help in buying a queen size mattress, box springs, and frame. Conlin's Furniture has given us a deeply discounted price for this bed with delivery to Teton County. NHN had a recent donation from a generous donor in our county that covered the total cost of $400. This lady is so grateful for having a bed. She has some pain issues, and now she can sleep in comfort. Her thanks and thanks from NHN to Dave Snuggs with My Neighbor In Need and Conlin's Furniture.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors collaborated with the Teton County Food Pantry to identify families throughout Teton County that could benefit from food in addition to the Holiday disbursement from our Food Pantry. Two families in the Power area, one family in Fairfield, and two families in Choteau were presented with 'gift cards' before Christmas. We had several donations at the end of this year that allowed us to cover the total cost of $500 for these cards. Our sincere thank you to the many donors who have generously helped us give hope and a 'hand up' to families in Teton County.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors also contacted the Fairfield Junior Women's Club to offer some financial assistance with their Christmas Tree Project. They mainly serve children, and we provided $250.00 toward their project with encouragement to use if for gift cards for "Food Only" for any family identified as needing extra food assistance in the area. Their decision was to provide $10.00 gift cards to their local grocery for 25 Fairfield families. Thanks to several donations from our community at the end of the year, NHN was happy to provide this 'hand up' for the Fairfield Junior Women's Christmas Tree Project.

The Choteau Caring Tree was taken under the 501 c 3 of Neighbors Helping Neighbors in 2011. This year, there were over 30 tags remaining on the Tree needing fulfillment. Thanks to several donations from Choteau Residents directly for The Caring Tree, and with a donation of $1,000 from NHN all the needs were completed. We have used donations received at the end of the year to help us complete this need. NHN is not requesting any donations for this project, and we just want to thank anyone who filled a tag for the many needs on our Caring Tree.

Update 12-11-2014 Working couple with one child, and they have fallen behind on bills because of seasonal employment and recent extra expenses. Food given for Christmas from Teton County Food Pantry. One of the bills owed is a past due energy bill, and NHN paid $350.00 to Northwestern Energy to pay their past due bill of $230.00 and also to give them $120 credit on their December bill. They have never needed to ask for assistance for anything, and they have a plan to maintain self-sufficiency with this 'hand up'. NHN had a recent donation from a generous local business that applied $300 to this need, and a generous donor who has donated to multiple projects has completed this financial need. Blessings to all our donors.

UPDATE 12-09-2014 Bright Eyes Care and Rehab a local, non-profit animal shelter was seeking a used 2-stage snow blower, and just had a call from the Nylunds, and a generous donor has provided this equipment for Bright Eyes Care and Rehab. This organization is so thankful for all of the support they receive and the staff and animals are very appreciative for this donation.

Mother of three needs assistance with installation of a "Trac Rite roll-up door" for a shed. She is hoping to get this project completed soon to protect items from the winter weather. Neighbors Helping Neighbors was able to direct her to the right person to install this door, and it was reasonably priced, and she was able to pay for the installation herself. She was very grateful to find someone who did a great job of installing this door for her.

Update 12/6/2014 A single working woman has requested assistance with first months rent and deposit. NHN referred her to Oportunities Inc. and she will be meeting with them for this assistance. She is working in Choteau and relocating to another part of the county to be nearer to her work. NHN provided her with a $200 gas card to help with her transition, and we received two donations totaling $150. And, the Spring Creek 4-H bell ringers completed this need at the Choteau Christmas Stroll today. Your help has been a real blessing to this lady who will be able to remain self-sufficient with this 'hand up'.

Update 12/8/2014 Hardworking gentleman with children in need of help with rent of $350 and deposit money of $199 to connect him to his energy company. We received several donations recently, and $400 was applied to this need. This need was completed thanks to the Spring Creek 4-H bell ringers at the Choteau Christmas Stroll We are so thankful for our Choteau 4-H youth who came up with this fund raiser for our organization. Bless you!

Young family with two children and husband had been on unemployment after being laid off from his work. Now unemployment benefits have ended. Wife working and they have completed paperwork for assistance with childcare through 'Family Connections' and they needed help with current pre-school expenses. NHN referred this family to Opportunities for All Scholarships, and they were eligible for this assistance. They are very grateful for this help, because "school is the most imprortant thing in our child's life right now"..Many thanks to Opportunities for All Scholarships.

Young family with special needs child and on a limited income are in need of a clothes dryer. They are new to the area and contacted NHN for assistance with this need. NHN was able to locate a working clothes dryer in Choteau, donated by a very generous local couple. We have arranged to have the appliance delivered to the family. NHN and the family receiving the dryer would like to thank all of you who helped complete this need!

We Are Now Located At 513 2nd Ave South Great Falls, MT. Our New Mailing Address Is PO Box 1562 Great Falls, MT 59403.