Chinook Area

There are currently 0 neighbors in needWe have fulfilled 59 needs since May 1, 2014

Fulfill a Need

View the list of the current needs of our Chinook neighbors. Fulfill a Need

Are You in Need?

If you have a need in the Chinook area click here to fill out the form. Request a Need

Fulfilled Needs

View our archive of completed and fulfilled need requests. Needs Archive

Chinook Area Includes:

Chinook, Turner, Hogland, Hayes, Lodgepole, Fort Belknap, & Harlem

Need Assistance?

Contact our Chinook office directly at (406) 357-8080

Partners in Dignity

Bb Buyers
Fisher Seed

Media Partners

Kfbb Fox Mt

Arby’s Launches Fundraising Campaign Benefitting My Neighbor in Need