Cascade County Archive of fulfilled needs

This is a list of all the needs we have fulfilled. To date, we have fulfilled 9387 needs total in Cascade County! from My Neighbor In Need, from My Student In Need.

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Fulfilled Date
Neighbor in Need is a family living downstairs from grandfather and the only way of cooking is a microwave and theirs broke..
Neighbor in need is a disabled lady who is in need of auto repairs. Her washing machine is also leaking. She is on very low income so does not have the money for these repairs.
Neighbor in Need - Mother recently moved to GF and works part-time while trying to find full-time work, is in need of a bus pass. Her car is in need of repair but the estimate is just too much for her to afford right now but she has to get to work and it is too far to walk. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY $30 TO THE GREAT FALLS TRANSIT DEPARTMENT.
Neighbor in Need - My husband and I purchased a mobile home in December of 2010. It was a fixer-upper as that was all we could afford. Since purchasing the home, my husband had 2 heart attacks in May of 2011, and has not been able to work a job and cannot fix the house. Our roof has begun leaking in about 10 places, and our windows leak, as well. Opportunities Inc. came out to do some weatherization but they are not able to do weatherization with the roof in it's current condition. We have two small children. I work fulltime but we are living on less than $1,200 per month and some of my husband's expensive meds are not covered by my insurance. We are in desperate need of help replacing the plywood and rolled roofing before our house is a total loss. I have done everything I can to keep our family afloat, but this is beyond what I can do. Please..
Neighbor in Need - Large Family - and low income -are in great need of a used/good condition, working clothes washing machine for their trailer home. Their old machine died and the repair company said it would cost more than it's worth to repair it.
Neighbor in Need - Young man - came to Great Falls from California for a job. The job was completed earlier than expected and they have no more work. He has looked for other work but he has not been able to find any because his age and little experience. His family lives in CA and he wants to back home. His family is low income and they cannot afford the bus ticket for him. He is in need of bus fare to get back home. The ticket is $210. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY RIMROCK GREYHOUND BUS LINES DIRECTLY. IF YOU WANT TO HELP BUT WISH TO DONATE A DIFFRENT AMOUNT YOU CAN DO SO.
Neighbor in Need - Lady, lost her home to a fire. She is in need of help with cleaning up the debris from the fire so that she can get a permit for the new mobile home to be on the property. Her insurance paid for the new mobile home but she cannot get the permit for it to be placed on the land until the debris is removed and she does not have the money for that. The debris are small things and general clean-up. A one pick-up truck load.
Neighbor in need: is an elderly lady in need of a light weight manual wheelchair. She is looking for one that can fold and be transported in a car so that she can attend functions with her family.
Neighbor in need requests a queen size mattress and box spring as her set is very old and the springs are poking through her mattress.
Neighbor in Need - 7/31 UPDATE - SEE BELOW... Single mother of a low-functioning, autistic child. Mom is unable to work as the child needs mom to be there 24/7. Now they have to travel to SLC in August for her son can have heart surgery through Saint Jude's. They are in need of financial help paying for her to get car insurance. She has never been able to afford a car but her friend helped her to get one so she can make the trip. She has to have car insurance and does not have the $144.25 needed for the down payment. WE HAVE TWO DONORS WHO HAVE PLEDGED A TOTAL OF $70. WE NOW JUST NEED $75 AND SHE CAN GET HER INSURANCE. - IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP - YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE DIRECTLY.
Neighbor in Need - Elderly lady on a fixed income. Her clothes washing machine broke and the repair company stated that it cannot be repaired. Therefore, she is in need of a used/working washing machine.
Neighbor in Need - Elderly couple who are on a fixed income can no longer mow their lawn. It is a big lot and requires a riding lawn mower. Good Guys Lawn Care can do this for a discounted price of $40. Please help. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP THESE FOLKS, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY GOOD GUYS LAWN CARE DIRECTLY.
Neighbor in need: is the mother of 4 boys an is only working part time which is barely paying the bills. She is in need of diapers and wipes for the youngest son. He is in a size 4 diaper.
Neighbor in Need - is a disabled woman in need of new battery for her car in order to be able to pick up her food and get to church and run errands.
Neighbor in Need: Recently diagnosed cancer patient is in need of a bed. She has been sleeping in a chair. She will also need the linen for the be as well.
Neighbor in Need: Elderly woman in very bad health - is in need of a few pieces of used/new furniture. She was victum of family member abuse and was placed into a safe house but law enforcement has helped fix the abuse issue. Now she is able to move into an apartment and is in need a couch and a couple of chairs.
Neighbor in need: is a disabled vet whose power has been turned off and he is in need of $303 in order to get it back on.
Neighbor in need: Lady is in need of help replacing her eye glasses. She needs glasses to drive and see for work.
Neighbor in Need - Cascade County Aging Services is in immediate need of wheelchairs and other walking equipment. If you can help, My Neighbor in Need can pick the items up or you can deliver them directly to Cascade County Aging Services - located directly across from the PEAK Fitness Club
Neighbor in Need: Disabled lady is in need of an adjustable bed but would like to be able to continue to sleep in the same bed as her husband. So would need an adjustable underneath but single on top.