Cascade County Archive of fulfilled needs

This is a list of all the needs we have fulfilled. To date, we have fulfilled 9446 needs total in Cascade County! from My Neighbor In Need, from My Student In Need.

Post Date
Fulfilled Date
Neighbor in Need - Unemployed - request a 10 x 10 storage unit for a one bedroom apartment, for three months. He/she is having to vacate the apartment and will stay at the Rescue Mission while looking for a job.
Neighbor in need recently hospitalized. Is moving into studio apt on Friday but has no home basic essentials. Asking for bed, a few dishes, glasses, silverware, basic essentials.
Neighbor in Need - requests help with a North Western Energy bill. Was unemployed but found a new job and will start in about ten days. The balance is $74.75. IF YOU CAN HELP YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY NORTHWESTERN ENERGY DIRECTLY. This need is in HELENA.
Neighbor in need needs help with power bill. Opportunities Inc. can pay half if first half is paid prior. Need is 324.00 with Opp. paying the other 324.00.
Neighbor in Need - Family with major medical issues and only able to work when well enough - is pleading for help for two $30 Straight Talk Phone Cards for April - so they can stay in contact with son who is receiving medical attention in Bozeman. IF YOU CAN HELP, PLEASE PURCHASE TWO $30 STRAIGHT TALK PHONE CARDS FROM WAL-MART AND CONTACT MY NEIGHBOR IN NEED AT 406-750-2542 or please send an email to Thank You!
Neighbor in Neighbor needs help with rent for April. Is unable to pay for it as the Neighbor in Need had surgery and fell behind. The owner of the property is working with us and will accept a discounted amount of $300. I have a donor who paid $150 of that . The balance is now $150. The rent is normally $500. IF YOU CAN HELP PLEASE YOU WILL BE ASKED TO MAKE YOUR PAYMENT DIRECTLY TO SUNSHINE RENTALS.
Neighbor in need is requesting help with utility bills. Service is about to be shut off. Has been unemployed for past two months. Owes 450.00.
Neighbor in Need - needs an electrician to look at wiring in 1964 trailer in Sun Prairie. Disabled and very low fixed income. When lights are turned on there is popping and cracking in the switches on the wall.
Neighbor in Need - Sudden Death in Family needs help with paying two weeks rent of the deceased so the family can clean out the apartment. The two weeks'' rent will be $200. IF YOU CAN HELP YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY THE LANDLORD DIRECTLY.
Neighbor in need requests donation of a couch. Preferably not leather or imitation leather. A clean, used couch would be great! Disabled and major medical issues.
Neighbor in Need - Heartbroken - Cat just died. Is there any one who could help pay for the cat to be cremated and have the ashes returned to the family. IF YOU CAN HELP YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY $68 TO THE GF ANIMAL SHELTER DIRECTLY.
Neighbor in Need - Elderly Lady - requests help with Hot Water Heater in a Trailer. Having to use cold water. Plumber is discounting his work by a large amount to help her out. Cost to repair is $65. IF YOU CAN HELP - YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY AAA PLUMBING DIRECTLY.
Neighbor in Need - requests help fixing negative drainage on east side of house. Need a truck load of dirt delivered to house. We can move the dirt and fix the problem, we just need the dirt. We are on a fixed income. Thank you!
Neighbor in Need - requests help with installing grab bars inside shower/tub. We have the bars but cannot install them.
Neighbor in Need is in need of car repairs. Firestone is providing a discounted price for everything. Car needs wiper blades, a front end alignment, brake light, radiator fluid, air filter, and fixing a electrical short that causes the car to sometimes not start. Total is $260. The car is needed for medical appointments, grocery shopping, etc. Neighbor is Need is disabled and low income. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO HELP YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PLEASE PAY FIRESTONE DIRECTLY.
Neighbor in Need requests a laptop computer for to attend home computer school. A used or refurbished one is just fine. If there are any pawn shops that have one that they would like to donate - that would be great!Medical issues cause this person to stay at home and they need the computer try and change jobs and go to school.
Neighbor in Need - needs help with a past due storage unit. They are facing having the unit forclosed on and their items sold at auction. We need $123.50 by 4pm on the 30th. IF ANYONE CAN HELP - YOU WILL BE ASKED TO MAKE A PAYMENT TO THE STORAGE COMPANY DIRECTLY.
Neighbor in Need - requests a $40 gas card to travel to Helena so they can be with a family member in Shodair Hospital.
Neighbor in Need - requests help catching up on past due bill energywest and bresnan. Was out of work for a month due to surgery, is NOW back to work. Past due for energywt $37.32 and $77.95 for Bresnan. Any amount would help. IF YOU HELP YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PAY NORTHWESTERN ENERGY DIRECTLY. DONOR PLEASE MAKE CHECK
Neighbor in need requests vehicle repairs. Vehicle is CRUCIAL for transportation to children''s doctor in Spokane. Father been looking for work for months. Items needed are tie rods, struts and water pump. Father can install the parts. Total amount needed: 272.93. IF YOU CAN HELP YOU WOULD BE ASKED TO WRITE THE CHECK TO AUTO-ZONE DIRECTLY.